Martyn le Roux hails from Paarl where he teaches High School. He is a playwright and radio dramatist who has written numerous radio plays for the biggest local Afrikaans broadcaster in South Africa, RSG, and his work has been awarded and nominated numerous times with the highest media awards in South Africa namely the ATKV Media Feather Awards and others. His work has also produced a number of media award winners like Best Actor, Best Actress, and Best Director. He studied Drama and Theatre Arts at the University of the Orange Free State and he has been involved in many stage productions since the 80s both as actor, producer, and director.
Contribution to SA theatre, film, media and/or performance
He received the very sought after ATKV media award in 2016 for his debut radio play, Bloedlyn ("Bloodline") which was broadcasted on RSG. The play also went on to receive the LIBERTY AWARD for best radio program in 2017. In the same year he received another media award for his second play The Diary of a Worm. The play was also nominated in three other categories and won BEST ACTOR, BEST DIRECTION and BEST SCRIPT for media both radio and film.
He wrote the radio plays Hittegolf ("Heatwave"), Afkoeling ("Cooling off") and Die Blikslim.
He founded the production company, Paragon Cinematic Media.
He wrote and directed the film Die Pelsloper ("The Skin Walker") a full-length feature film, which received numerous awards in the last couple of years at international film festivals all over the globe.In 2023 he produced a short feature film TWILIGHT JOURNEY,  and is presently in the planning stage of another short film MARA - A PLACE OF WATER.

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Omtrent die Skrywer:
• Gebore te Upington in die 1960’s.
• Kinderjare grootliks in die Noord-Kaap (Kimberley) deurgebring.
• Tans woonagtig in die Paarl.
• Ouderdom: 60
• 2014 -  Het in 2014 die drama BLOEDLYN geskryf. Finaliste vir die RSG\ SANLAM kompetisie in 2014 en is uitgesaai deur RSG in 2015 met Renske Jacobs as die regisseuse. Bloedlyn ontvang ook in 2016 ʼn ATKV mediaveertjie as Beste Teks in die kategorie: Luister. Dit word ook in April 2017 vir 'n Liberty Radio toekenning benoem in die kategorie: Best Drama Programme en word aangewys as die beste drama program vir Radio.
• 2016– DAGBOEK VAN ʼn WURM. RSG. Dagboek word in 2017 in vier kategorieë benoem vir ATKV Mediaveertoekennings: Beste Teks, Beste Regisseur, Beste Aktrise en Beste Akteur. Dit word bekroon met drie toekennings: Beste Teks, Beste Regisseur, en Beste Akteur. Heruitsending in 2017.
• 2017 - HITTEGOLF – (AKA AARDVERWARMING) REGIE: Anrich Herbst. Finalisdrama vir RSG/ Sanlam dramakompetisie en word uitgesaai as deel van RSG se DRAMASEISOEN. Dit word genomineer vir ʼn Mediaveertjie in 2018 in die kategorie LUISTER vir beste TEKS.
• 2018 – AFKOELING word as opvolg drama vir HITTEGOLF geskryf en uitgesaai deur RSG. Die regie word waargeneem deur Kobus Burger.
• 2019 – DIE BLIKSLIM. Finalis vir RSG se Dramakompetisie en uitgesaai in Oktober as deel van hul dramaseisoen. Pietie Beyers word in 2020 bekroon met ʼn Mediaveer vir sy vertolking van die hoofkarakter Gary Blignault. Heruitsending in Julie 2020 op RSG.

Hierna volg nog radiodrama produksies vir RSG, BLOEDMAAN, 'n opvolg van die bekroonde Bloedlyn.
Hy skryf en  vervaardig ook nog 'n radiostorie van 25 episodes DIE SOUTWATERHEKS, 'n enkel drama, DRYFHOUT asook HEX, wat die eerste drama van sy soort is wat die verhaal van die legende van die heks van Hexrivier vertel.

Hy vervaardig ook twee films DIE PELSLOPER, 'n kort film in engels TWILIGHT JOURNEY, en is tans besig met die beplanning van 'n tweede kortverhaal film, MARA - A PLACE OF WATER.